Sunday, September 4, 2011


Well, we took them to get their picture made yesterday. All I can say is that it was very entertaining. Carter and Abby was very good but Karlie did not want to sit and have hers made. She kept running off. The photographer was finally able to get one of all three after about an hour of trying. I should have them on Wednesday so I can post them.
Michelle is always telling me that Karlie has a little attitude and yes, I was able to see a little of that attitude yesterday.
Melvin and Tad went to the OSU game in Stillwater yesterday. So, after pictures we picked up something to eat and then let the kids play in the sand box. Later, we went to get ice cream. They have had so much fun playing together. Abby is going to miss them, because she doesn't have other kids to play with.
Today is the birthday dinner, but not sure it is going to work everyone going to a restaurant or not.

Abby and Karlie playing in the sand box.

Carter just played on the patio. I guess there was not room for him in the sandbox with the little girls. He made a levee, but the little girls kept knocking it down.

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