Wednesday, August 31, 2011


There was another massive grass fire in Oklahoma City yesterday. It did not get as close as the last one though. Hubby and I sat out on the patio last night and we could see the smoke and smell it also. It is still just so hot and dry here. It is still reaching to 106 every day. I can't remember the last time we had any rain. But, we are suppose to get some relief from the heat this weekend. One day it will only be in the eighties. That will seem so cool. If we have a day where the high is only 98 it seems cool.

We have one daughter and granddaughter that will be arriving tomorrow and the rest of the family will be arriving on Friday. It is nice to have two houses for everyone now. Some will be staying with Tracy. Not sure which ones right now. Tracy has a pond, one house down from her house and that is a worry with little kids, since her backyard is not totally fenced.

We will be celebrating birthdays. Kim's is the 2nd and mine is the 5th. I am even going to tell ages, hope Kim doesn't mind. Kim will be turning 32 and I will be turning 60. We also plan to take the grand kids to have a portrait made. We are not too sure if Abby and Karlie are going to cooperate, but we will just see.

Some will be going to the OSU game on Saturday, not exactly sure which two right now. We will try a birthday dinner at a restaurant, but not sure how that will turn out with Abby and Karlie also. But, I am just so excited to have everyone together.

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