Sunday, July 31, 2011


Tracy invited us over for dinner tonight. She made Moroccan chicken for us. It was really good. Kim introduced it to us when she came and stayed the three weeks with us back in May. She made it for us several times and we loved it.

So, while we were over there for dinner, I finally took some pictures of her house to share with everyone on my blog. She has only been in for about a month so I think she has gotten it put together pretty good. Better than we had our house at a month.

This is her kitchen. It is my favorite room in the house. The left side. I guess I could have backed up and gotten a picture of the whole kitchen. Some how didn't think of that.

Island and right side of kitchen.

Breakfast room.

Bakers rack. I potted the plant on top for her. I told her if it dies, there is nothing loss. Abby pulled the plants out of my pot when she was staying with us and I already had the pot.

Fireplace mantel.
Living room. She is planning on moving this armoire and TV to a guest room and buy a new TV and stand for the living room.

I told her her picture is too high but she said she wants to use the holes that were already there.

Her formal dinning room that has nothing in it. We have an antique buffet in our garage that she is going to have refinished and put in it. It will look good in the room and then she will need to find a table to match it.

Her bedroom. It doesn't look like it in this picture, but her bedroom is huge and right now it looks kind of bare, so she will need to fill it.

Pictures still piled in the corner of her living room that she doesn't know where to hang. Michelle and Kim are coming Labor Day, so maybe they can help her figure out where to hang them. She said Michelle will probably tell her to just throw them all away. Tracy is like me she has trouble getting rid of stuff that is still good, but maybe we can just sell them at a garage sale.

1 comment:

  1. I love every freaking inch of it. I'm stunned! It's so gorgeous! She couldn't have picked a more amazing house. That kitchen is to die for!

    I'm making Moroccan Chicken tonight, I'm craving it after looking at the picture.

    Oh, and..."Tracy is like me she has trouble getting rid of stuff that is still good." You two need to watch a few episodes of Hoarders, and you won't say such things! But I think she got a couple of those in Paris, didn't she? I don't think she'd want to get rid of those! But she could always take the ones she doesn't like to Goodwill...or AmVets! Don't they pick it up off of your porch?

    Anyway, I'm so glad to finally see the pictures! Can't wait to see it in person!
