Sunday, July 17, 2011


The one thing that I will remember about this trip is how hot it was. We really did not do too much. I only left the cabin one time while I was there. Tracy and Kim tried to go shopping with Abby but Abby was not having it. They only made it to two stores. I can't blame her, it was just too hot. She came back to the cabin with her face red and her hair wet with sweat. So, she decided to take a nap, then Kim and Tracy went back to several stores. Pap-pa and I stayed with Abby. They ended up getting lots of cute fall stuff for Abby and Karlie.

I don't pick out much for Carter anymore, because I just don't know what little boys who are turning six wear. I just give his mommy money and let her buy for him. He is probably glad I do.

We stayed in the cabins at Thousand Hills Golf Resort. They were really nice and had lots of privacy. We were only the second family to stay in this one. It looked brand new and was really clean. It was also decorated really nice.

Abby found good use for the TV center.
Can't you tell by the look on her face that she knows she is not suppose to be playing with the phone.

We wanted to take her picture in front of the cabin, but she would not look up.

Eating at Uptown Cafe.

She sure enjoyed her sundae. Her shirt was clean when she first arrived at the restaurant.

Our cabin.

The ceiling up over our bed.

Our deck/screened in back porch.

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