Thursday, June 17, 2010


On my drive this week, I surveyed the damage from the flood. There is evidence that the water was over the roads a lot closer to our house than we thought. This creek is probably about a one-tenth of a mile from our house and it must have overflowed it banks, for water to have gotten over the road. When I was telling the kids on Monday that I was worried because of the creek being close by. They all said, what creek. That is probably because when we usually drive over it there is not any water in it. I sure am glad that I didn't know how close the flooding was on Monday or I might have been freaking out. Because, I sure don't want to have leave my house in a boat again.

The creek.

This was once a softball field.
But, this almost 3 million dollar home for sale, that is less than 1/4 mile from us didn't seem to get any damage. Sorry, can't seem to get a good picture of it that will do it justice.

I borrowed this picture from It is a lot better since I can't get inside the gates, the realtor can.

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