Saturday, June 26, 2010


We celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary by going out to eat last night. We went to a restaurant just a few miles above us. We probably wouldn't have gone to this restaurant if it wasn't close by. It was an old Victorian house that was moved in from another town and restored. It took over four years for it to be restored. They also added another addition onto it.

It is located on the highest hill in the county. It also has a country setting. I think that is what attracts most people to it.

The drive way leading up to the restaurant. The first time I saw it, I thought it was a horse farm.

It is hard to get a good picture of the restaurant since there are so many trees in front of it.

I just borrowed one from their web site.

The decor on the inside is what you would expect.
This was my meal, almond crusted shrimp. It was very good.

This was hubby's meal, a t-bone. When he saw it, he said that he would not be able to eat all of it. But, when he had finished eating, the waitress ask him if he would like for her to wrap up his bone for him to take home to his dog.

These are my roses.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary. I love the setting of the resturant and your shrimp look really good.
