Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hubby and I left for Kansas City on Friday afternoon. When we arrived M had made Alfredo Chicken for dinner. T came over and brought strawberry shortcake for dessert. It was all very good.

On Saturday, we went to this place called Fritz's to eat lunch. I saw it on a blog that I read. You go and sit at a table and order and a train brings your food to you. I knew when I read about it, that it would be something that C would love and he did. None of my family that lives in KC had ever heard of Fritz's.

One of the trains that brings the food. The food is on the little tray underneath and when is gets to your table, it drops the food.

C and his dad anticipating the train coming.

Hubby deciding what to order.

On Sunday, we went down to the Power and Light district in downtown Kansas City. T works for Kansas City Power and Light. The reason we wanted to go see where she works is because T's last day of work is this Friday and she is moving back to Oklahoma City. Yea!!!!! But, first she has to sell her house in Kansas City and then find a job in OKC and buy a house back in OKC. I am sure it will be easy to find a house back here.

T always talks about this place called Johnny's Burgers, that is located in Power and Light district. So, we decided since we were down there that we would go there and eat. She is right they do have awesome burgers. Don't they look good.

C ask me to take a picture of him holding this french fry. He said it was the biggest fry he had ever seen. After I took the picture, he said Momo make sure you send it to me.

Karlie and her mom.

Karlie and her Aunt T.

On Monday, we went to Legions. C likes to go there because of the fountain and he also likes to get pretzels from Auntie Anne's. His mom and I like to go the children's outlets and shop for clothes. I am still amazed that even at an outlet that Gymbroee is still that expensive.

Karlie is so good, sometimes I forget she is even there. She enjoyed watching everyone and looking at the fountain.

Karlie sitting in her Momo's lap.

We got us this morning and came home. We had a very busy three days but it was lots of fun.

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