Thursday, March 25, 2010


I talked to K yesterday and I ask her if things were beginning to put out in Arkansas and she said yes all the Bradford Pears were in bloom. She said she also had some daffodils in her backyard with blooms. I told her that nothing was putting out here yet and I honestly believed that. So, today I decided to get out and drive around just to see. It was not really that nice of day, it rained early this morning and was very windy and cool. But, to my surprise things are actually putting out here. The Bradford Pears are blooming, although not totally bloomed out. I saw daffodils and yes, the sky is as blue as it appears in the pictures. I miss the trees in Arkansas but I love the wide open blue sky in Oklahoma.

This neighborhood is not far from us and is gated, but today the gates were open, so I drove through and took pictures. I took pictures just because the houses are big and pretty.

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