Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I found this picture of A and Lulu on K's flicker. Now, I think I understand why Lulu smacked A in the mouth. Even though A was being nice to her then, Lulu probably remembers all the times that A has pulled her tail in the past. A is probably thinking that Lulu shouldn't always have her tail so high in the air if she doesn't want it pulled.

M had a photographer come to her house and take pictures of C and Karlie. They turned out really cute. I am not able to save and post the proofs, but as soon as I receive the pictures that I have ordered I will post them. I should be receiving them this week. M took Karlie last week for her 4 month check-up and she is average in weight and height. She is a lot smaller than C was at that age.

Also, on a completely different note. T had noticed a little lump in her neck a good while ago, but kept putting off going to the doctor. But, last week she finally went in to have it checked. The doctor said that she thought it was just a cyst and nothing to worry about. But, the doctor still went ahead and had a blood work-up done. So, Friday when T got in from work there was a message from the nurse saying that her blood-work came back abnormal. Well, it was too late to call so T had to wait until Monday to find out what was abnormal about it. It turns out it is her thyroid and also a really low vitamin D deficiency. Hopefully, medication will clear up both. I am just so thankful it wasn't anything more serious.

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