Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Karlie looking cute.

I have all my grand kids at my house, but it was not planned. K and A were here visiting for a week but M and family had planned on coming the last weekend in March. But, Sunday afternoon M got a phone call saying that her best friend's dad passed away that morning in his sleep. He was about the same age as hubby and I. So, M, T, C and Karlie arrived last night. Hubby and M attended the funeral today. They said it was really sad watching the slide show of him with his grandchildren and all, but they ended up getting to see a lot of people they had not seen in years.

C and A are getting along really good. A enjoys having someone to play with. Although sometimes C doesn't want A to play with his cars and A throws a fit when C takes one of her baby dolls. I just have to brag on C a little. I think all of my grand kids are smart, but today C was talking to K and K told him he needed to get a camouflage car and C didn't say anything. So, K said do you know what camouflage means and he said without hesitation, it means to blend in. He is only 4 1/2. Also, when pap pa took him to the playground today, he told pap pa that he wanted to go swimming in the pool and pap pa said the gate is locked. C said well, we can take a blow torch and cut it open.

For lunch today, we went to Ted's, best Mexican food ever, to eat. At least C and A thinks it is the best. Karlie just slept, she is the best baby ever. Then, we came home and while some took naps, pap pa and C went to the neighborhood playground. The weather was really nice here today.

C and A eating at Ted'sC at the playground.

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