Monday, March 29, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010

This neighborhood is not far from us and is gated, but today the gates were open, so I drove through and took pictures. I took pictures just because the houses are big and pretty.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
"I was lucky enough to take some pictures of the adorable children of some family friends a few weekends ago. I got to meet their newest little addition, Karlie & talk trucks with Carter. What personality that Carter has! Very talkative and expressive."

I took several and made a collage of Karlie. I think they turned out really cute.

This is my favorite out of all them though.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
M had a photographer come to her house and take pictures of C and Karlie. They turned out really cute. I am not able to save and post the proofs, but as soon as I receive the pictures that I have ordered I will post them. I should be receiving them this week. M took Karlie last week for her 4 month check-up and she is average in weight and height. She is a lot smaller than C was at that age.
Also, on a completely different note. T had noticed a little lump in her neck a good while ago, but kept putting off going to the doctor. But, last week she finally went in to have it checked. The doctor said that she thought it was just a cyst and nothing to worry about. But, the doctor still went ahead and had a blood work-up done. So, Friday when T got in from work there was a message from the nurse saying that her blood-work came back abnormal. Well, it was too late to call so T had to wait until Monday to find out what was abnormal about it. It turns out it is her thyroid and also a really low vitamin D deficiency. Hopefully, medication will clear up both. I am just so thankful it wasn't anything more serious.
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010

A after eating her Oreo cookie. K had to change her outfit. She had it all over her.

Friday, March 5, 2010
She wrinkles up her brow when she is not happy. K thinks she may do it and A had copied it from her.

After the playground, we came home and grilled chicken and corn on the cob. It was the first time A had ever eaten corn on the cob but, she knew exactly how to do it and she loved it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I have all my grand kids at my house, but it was not planned. K and A were here visiting for a week but M and family had planned on coming the last weekend in March. But, Sunday afternoon M got a phone call saying that her best friend's dad passed away that morning in his sleep. He was about the same age as hubby and I. So, M, T, C and Karlie arrived last night. Hubby and M attended the funeral today. They said it was really sad watching the slide show of him with his grandchildren and all, but they ended up getting to see a lot of people they had not seen in years.
C and A are getting along really good. A enjoys having someone to play with. Although sometimes C doesn't want A to play with his cars and A throws a fit when C takes one of her baby dolls. I just have to brag on C a little. I think all of my grand kids are smart, but today C was talking to K and K told him he needed to get a camouflage car and C didn't say anything. So, K said do you know what camouflage means and he said without hesitation, it means to blend in. He is only 4 1/2. Also, when pap pa took him to the playground today, he told pap pa that he wanted to go swimming in the pool and pap pa said the gate is locked. C said well, we can take a blow torch and cut it open.
For lunch today, we went to Ted's, best Mexican food ever, to eat. At least C and A thinks it is the best. Karlie just slept, she is the best baby ever. Then, we came home and while some took naps, pap pa and C went to the neighborhood playground. The weather was really nice here today.
C and A eating at Ted's

Monday, March 1, 2010

Last night when pap pa and I were suppose to be watching A, A was talking really sweet to Lulu and Lulu just took her paw and slapped her in the face. There were no marks at all on A but she sure did cry. We think it just hurt her feelings that she was being nice to Lulu and Lulu slapped her. So, we thought for sure that today A would stay away from her, but no they have been together all day.