Monday, February 8, 2010


Yep, that's right. I woke up this morning looked outside and it was snowing again. I had just told T last night, that I have had enough snow for this year. The temperature is staying above freezing, so it is not sticking on the streets. Hopefully, it won't stick on the streets and it will melt by tomorrow.

We watched the super bowl game last night while eating pizza that we picked up at Papa Murphy's, first time to ever eat a pizza from there. It was very good. It was just hubby and I. Our team didn't win. We were both for the Colt's. I was for them because I am always for the team a Manning is playing on. I have posted before that I grew up in the same small town in Northeast Mississippi where Archie's Grandmother lived. I went to college with Archie's cousin. She was a really sweet person.

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