Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Yep, our house has sold. We actually received an offer while we were in Kansas City about three weeks ago. I was waiting until our realtor put the sold sign on. I was going to take a picture and post it on my blog. But, it looks like she may never put the sold sign on.

So, we then had to get busy the next week and find a house in Oklahoma. We found one and we are suppose to close on this house on September 25Th and then we will be on our way to Oklahoma. Our house was on the market, two and a half months. Most people think that wasn't very long. But, it sure seemed like a long time to me. One week, I had six showings.

One day K went to put A down on the floor and I told her, do you realize that over one hundred people have walked through this house in a little over two months. That is a lot of people.

So, today, we needed to get out of the house, because the buyer was bringing contractors in to look at the house. It was also K's birthday, so we went out to eat. But, we were not celebrating her birthday. We will do that this weekend when M and T are here. T is meeting M in Stillwater for the OSU game this Saturday and then they will come home and we will celebrate K and my birthday on Sunday. My birthday is on the 5Th.

But, today, we went to Cozy Mel's to eat and then to Bed, Bath and Beyond to shop and then to the lake because it was so nice out today.
A is having trouble sitting up in the shopping cart.

K and A at the lake.

A is watching the ducks

A got so excited over the ducks.

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