Friday, September 18, 2009


C's great grandmother on his dad's side passed away on Tuesday. She was 88. C was very close to her. He saw her often. M and T have told him, but they don't think he understands.

She was a very special lady. She was a professor of a college in a small northwestern town in Missouri for many years. Our whole family thought a lot of her. I feel honored to have known her.

When M and T started dating in college, she began writing letters to our family. We didn't meet her until M and T married five years later. But, she never met a stranger. When my mother moved in with me, she wrote a letter to mother. Mother was so excited to get it and said she would write her back. I told mother that she had been a college professor. Mother then said that with her little education, she would not be able to talk to someone that had been a professor. I told mother that she was not the kind of person to judge anyone and she could get on any ones level.

Mother and her never met, but they became best friends through their writing. They wrote to each other often. She even called mother one Christmas Eve, after mother had gone into a nursing home. Mother could not hear, so she wasn't able to talk to her, but it made mother's Christmas that year, when the nurse told her that she called to wish her a Merry Christmas. She continued to write to mother, even after she got sick and stopped writing to most everyone else.

She will be dearly missed.

C and his Great Grandma.

1 comment:

  1. I feel honored to have known her, too. I can't believe how much her death has affected me. She will be dearly missed.
