Wednesday, September 23, 2009


This is what my begonias looked like on Sunday, before we had to dump them out. The moving company won't move dirt.

We are packed and they start loading tomorrow. M will probably head on to Oklahoma on Friday. I will get to spend the weekend with A and then K, A and I will head on to Oklahoma on Sunday. K and A are going to help us get unpacked.

M and I will spend Thursday night with K and J and we close on the house on Friday.

Boxes everywhere. The buyers are coming to do a final walk through tonight. They may have trouble getting through.

While they finished packing us today M and I grabbed a sandwich and went to the lake to eat it. Probably the last time that we see the lake. When we first moved here this lady from the retirement home would pull her dog in a little red wagon. I always wanted to get a picture of her doing it but never did. But now she has two dogs and she walks them while riding in her wheelchair. I guess she is not able to walk anymore. She was walking them through the park today. I always worry what will happen to them after she dies because I am sure she spoils them rotten.

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