Sunday, August 16, 2009


We left for Kansas City early Thursday morning. This is what A spent most of her time doing going and coming. She was so good. You could not have asked for her to have been any better.

Of course, we stopped at Braums going and coming back.

We arrived at M and T's house in the afternoon. T came over to eat with us that night. M made lasagna, it was really good.

C shared his baby jeep with A. She loved it, but we found out that only A can shake herself in it, no one else can.

C decided to climb in, but had a little trouble fitting. He had to get on his knees.

On Friday, C opened the birthday gifts that we had all brought for him and he sure needed more TOYS, because he doesn't have enough. Being sarcastic in case you didn't catch that.

After opening gifts, we then all went to Chuck E Cheese's. Since there were no parties going on, the rat didn't make an appearance and C was sure happy about that. T has tried to explain, that it is just someone dressed up, that she used to work at Chuck E Cheese's and that she dressed up as Chuck E but he has trouble understanding that. I didn't get a picture of C at Chuck E Cheese's because he was too busy.
But A sure had lots of fun.

A is really checking out the animated Chuck E, but did not seem scared of him at all.
When we got back home, we ate cake and ice cream, but I guess I didn't get a picture of the cake.
On Saturday, we all went to Legends and shopped and then came home and hung out on the deck because it was so nice outside, until it started raining.
This a shot of M's belly. I know she will appreciate me putting this picture on my blog.
C making A happy. Later on that night C asked T if she was staying late just to hang out with him and she said yes is that OK and C said YEAH that is OK. We told everyone goodbye last night and left really early this morning. We really enjoyed it.

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