Wednesday, August 12, 2009


K, A, M, and I are going to Kansas City to visit for a few days. We are all going to help C celebrate his birthday again with another birthday party. Don't you think everyone needs at least two birthday parties. Especially if you are only four.

We are planning on going to Chuck E. Cheeses for his party but C is not too fond of the Rat. Not sure that A is going to like him that well either, but I guess we will find out. Will also do some shopping. T is taking off some days so we can all spend some time together. This will probably be the last time we see M before she has her baby. Who knows if we will be in Oklahoma when the baby arrives. The way it is looking now, we will still be in Arkansas. M is due Nov. 17th.

Should have lots of pictures to share when I get back.

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