Sunday, August 23, 2009


K and A came over yesterday and we went to eat at a little country restaurant in our town. Hubby has always raved over how great the food is. He has gone with co- workers to eat at it and K and I had never been. Well, we were not excited over the food at all and the waitress was not very friendly. It was like she knew we weren't a regular there. So, we will mark that one off our list.

A will only keep a bow in her hair for about five seconds now before she yanks it off. It is cute watching her take it off.

She loves Lulu but not sure if Lulu is that fond of her.

Isn't this one cute.

It was really nice here yesterday. We even had a little breeze. I took A out on the patio for a good while. She loved watching the leaves on the trees, and listening to the birds. I almost got her to sleep before her and mommy had to leave.

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