Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Well, I haven't posted in a long time, because not much has really been going on lately. I guess that is a good thing. We have had a few more showings, but still no offers.

K and A came over today and we went to eat at Chili's and then to TJ Maxx and bought some baby clothes on clearance. I think K and I are going to go to some garage sales this weekend and maybe let Pap pa and A spend some time together.

A can crawl now, or I call it crawling. K will put something in front of her that she really wants, like her cell phone and A will manage to get it, so I call that crawling.

She gets all the way up, not just on her knees.

Getting closer.

Yea, I got it.

Now thinking what else can I get into.

I tell you she is a hand full. But her mommy was a hand full when she was that age also. I have heard her daddy was too. She tries to sit up and gets half way up and falls and hits her head.

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