Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Well I haven't had any showings since Saturday. I needed to get some birthday cards in the mail, so I took them to the post office to mail. I decided to drive around for a little while. It has been raining all morning and has stopped for a little while but looks like it will start again anytime. I noticed the mountain. This is Pinnacle mountain that can be seen from our town.

Since it had rained you could see the steam coming off it and it looked really neat. I am sure there is a scientific name for it other than steam but I don't know what it is.

It kind of looks like a volcano.

I also took some pictures of my hydrangea. T sent me this plant for Mothers' Day three years ago. I meant to every year set it in the ground but never did. I cannot believe it is still living and growing in the pot. It has long outgrown the pot. But I plan on now taking it to our new home in Oklahoma and setting it in the ground.

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