Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Well, I haven't had that much to blog about lately. I think that it has rained every day for the last ten days. I am still working, trying to get the house ready to list. They came and power washed the house today. They will come back and paint tomorrow and Friday if it doesn't rain. Most of the yard work has been done. So, we should be ready to list it next week. Other than that not a lot going on.
K and A came over and spent this afternoon with me. K came in and put A in my lap and A started to pout and cry. K said that she does that with every one now. She warmed up to me later on and even slept in my lap for about thirty minutes.
We ended up going to a local restaurant to eat. K got some cute pictures of A with her big bow on her head. She is so observant now. She likes to watch TV and notices everything that goes on.

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