Friday, May 22, 2009


Yesterday, I grabbed a sandwich and drove to the lake to eat it. It was a beautiful day and the water was so blue. We haven't had any rain in about a week. Although, today it is cloudy. There were lots of ducks around and there were lots of people feeding them. Even though this sign was right beside them. I think sometimes rules can broken.

I enjoyed watching the baby ducks most of all. One of the baby ducks would get a piece of bread and run as fast as it could to keep the other ducks from taking it. One of the big ducks came up to me in my car, squawking like he was telling me to give him something to eat. I rolled up my car window, I was afraid he might fly in.

I kept watching the little kids, thinking it will be nice when A is old enough to take to the lake and watch the ducks. But, A may be afraid of them. We have taken C to the lake many times. The lake is one thing I will certainly miss when we move.

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