Friday, May 29, 2009


Our neighbors across the street are moving and they are having a garage sale. I just had to share these pictures with you. The moving company is putting their things in the truck now while their garage sale is going on. I have never seen as many people at a garage sale. I have been up for two hours and and I can see the house from my window in the computer room. There have been a steady stream of cars and there have been times when our drive way was completely blocked. I need them to give me some pointers because I have never had this many people at one of my garage sales. Or maybe it is just the economy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


A has gotten too big to take a bath in her baby tub because she will not lay back anymore. So, the other night when K and I were at Target, we bought her a blow up duck bath tub. I think she likes it.

I just had to post this picture of C in his duck bath tub also. Aunt K was giving him a bath when we were visiting.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This was our house the next spring after we moved in. Notice the size of the Bradford Pear that is in bloom and also the Japanese Maple in the flower bed.

This is our house today. Notice how big the Bradford Pear is and all the shrubs out front. That is what lots of rain and humidity will do. Also the Japanese Maple in the flower bed has grown a little .

Monday, May 25, 2009


More pics of C having fun at his neighborhood pool.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I finally put my begonias in the pots on Thursday, so I scrubbed and bleached the patio yesterday. I got it put back together. It is a good thing since we woke up to rain this morning. It has rained all day. So we have spent today doing things in the house. We are suppose to have someone look at it this weekend before we list it.

The yard and flowers enjoyed the rain but part of our yard had not dried from all the rain we had before.

I think this is the way that C is spending his Memorial Day weekend.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Yesterday, I grabbed a sandwich and drove to the lake to eat it. It was a beautiful day and the water was so blue. We haven't had any rain in about a week. Although, today it is cloudy. There were lots of ducks around and there were lots of people feeding them. Even though this sign was right beside them. I think sometimes rules can broken.

I enjoyed watching the baby ducks most of all. One of the baby ducks would get a piece of bread and run as fast as it could to keep the other ducks from taking it. One of the big ducks came up to me in my car, squawking like he was telling me to give him something to eat. I rolled up my car window, I was afraid he might fly in.

I kept watching the little kids, thinking it will be nice when A is old enough to take to the lake and watch the ducks. But, A may be afraid of them. We have taken C to the lake many times. The lake is one thing I will certainly miss when we move.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This is the Arkansas River. These are houses in Little Rock and these pictures were taken standing across the river in another city. I don't think these pictures do them justice. The houses are just beautiful in person.These are the back of the houses.

This is what some of these houses look like in front. These are not small houses. This one is listed for over 800,000.

This is the view that they have.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


C helping his dad with his rain boots on. I think he also has his pajamas on.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


When K and A came over today K said that A would not take a nap all day. So everyone took turns trying to make her happy. We succeeded for a little while.


T came in on Friday night and K and A came over and we all went out to eat. We went to Cheeburger, Cheeburger and A was really good until they rang the cowbell. When someone eats their one pound hamburger they ring a cowbell and take a picture of them. Well A got scared but it didn't take K long to comfort her and all was fine. Yesterday K and A came over and we all went shopping. We are just enjoying all being together.
A loves her Aunt T.
A looked so cute in this outfit.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


K and A came over yesterday. We went into Little Rock to eat and then to Target to get a a new toy. Because A went to the pediatrician yesterday and got six shots, so I thought she deserved a new toy for getting all those shots and still being in a good mood.

After we got back home K cleaned our curio cabinet. I researched curio cabinets and the reason it is named that because it makes people curious when they look in them. Well, that is especially what happens with ours. When people come to our house for the first time, they will stand and look at all the things in our curio cabinet for a long time. Also, my family and hubby's family will remark wow, you probably spent a lot of money on all those things. I love to tell them no, actually almost every thing in there was a gift.
These are some of the things in the cabinet that are special to me. Actually, everything in it are special to me but these just a little more so.

This plate and snowman is delft pottery that T bought for me on her trip to Holland. Yes, I leave the snowman out all year long.

This is my safari collection and this mask and elephant was given to me by K who brought it back to me from her trip to Costa Rica.

This is a mask that was giving to us at one of M's company's trips to New Orleans. It was handmade and signed by the person who made it.

This is a music box that was given to us from M's company's trip to San Francisco.

Can you believe that we did not take one picture of A, but don't worry Aunt T is coming in from Kansas City tomorrow and K and A will be spending lots of time over here visiting over the weekend, so I am sure we will gets lots of pictures.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I had a very good Mother's Day. K and A came over. Just like at Easter it was raining. We decided to go to P.F. Changs and eat but also just like at Easter, it was not our first choice. We were going to The Butcher Shop and it did not open until four.

A in her cute little dress and bow.

Mommy and A.

A loves to chew on her mommy's hair.
A and her pappa. Pappa looks like a deer caught in headlights.

I also got roses for Mother's Day.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I got these flowers for Mother's Day from my daughter T yesterday. Thanks Tracy, they are beautiful. There was also a box of chocolates and they were good also.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Well, I haven't had that much to blog about lately. I think that it has rained every day for the last ten days. I am still working, trying to get the house ready to list. They came and power washed the house today. They will come back and paint tomorrow and Friday if it doesn't rain. Most of the yard work has been done. So, we should be ready to list it next week. Other than that not a lot going on.
K and A came over and spent this afternoon with me. K came in and put A in my lap and A started to pout and cry. K said that she does that with every one now. She warmed up to me later on and even slept in my lap for about thirty minutes.
We ended up going to a local restaurant to eat. K got some cute pictures of A with her big bow on her head. She is so observant now. She likes to watch TV and notices everything that goes on.