Saturday, November 26, 2016


The crew from KC arrived on Wednesday night. On Thanksgiving Day, Tracy, Michelle, Tad, Carter and Karlie, Kim and Abby were all at our house for Thanksgiving Dinner. We divided up the making of the dishes and I ended up only having to make the dressing, which made it seem really easy.   It sure is nice to have their help.  Our dinner consisted of Turkey, dressing, Honey Baked ham, potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, English pea salad, Sister Shubert dinner rolls and pies for dessert. It was all really good.

After dinner we did the photo shoot for our Christmas cards. We asked permission to use our neighbors backyard.  She had it decorated so cute for Christmas.  It was perfect for a Christmas card background.

 Carter, Karlie, and Abby with the pond on the golf course in the back ground. 
The little girls.
Michelle did theirs for their card also.

Tad and Carter went to the store Thanksgiving night to get milk and came back with this bear.  Karlie squealed when they walked in the door with it.
On Friday Kim and Tracy took Abby and Karlie to Playtime Pizza.  They really enjoyed being together.
On Friday Melvin, Tad, Michelle and Carter played golf. Michelle got some really good pictures of them. It is the golf course that we live on and it is really pretty this time of year. It was a little cool but not too bad.
The first time for Carter to play 18 holes but he did really good.

Melvin and Carter.

The pond behind our house.  You can see our house in the background.  They were excited to see a beaver.
Melvin, Carter and Tad.
Melvin, Tad and Michelle.

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