Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Miss Abby/She is dressed up as a mermaid.
Miss Karlie is dressed as a witch and I have no idea what Carter is suppose to be dressed as.
We went over to Tracy's last night and Melvin handed out candy. I thought she would have had more trick-or-treaters than she did. Several flat bed trailers with hay and kids on top of the hay came through but most didn't cut down her street. Kids have it made now,  they have golf carts to ride in and don't have to do a lot of walking like my kids did. We saw several golf carts as we were leaving her neighborhood.  With all the hills in her neighborhood, I would want to be riding in a golf  cart also.

The house across from Tracy.
Doesn't Melvin look happy? He did want to hand out the candy, just didn't want to have his picture taken. 

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