Sunday, December 27, 2015


Our crew from Kansas City made it in on Christmas Day just in time for the Christmas Dinner.
Carter  and Karlie with Aunt Tracy.  Carter and Karlie weren't that interested in eating.  They were ready to open their gifts.
Michelle looking for names on the gifts.  Looks like she is getting on to Lulu and Lulu is telling her to back off.

Karlie with her American Girl doll. A gift from Momo and Pap-pa. I think she was pretty happy with it.

Carter with his Fat Head. The Kansas City Royals winning the World Series. It was also a gift from Momo and Pap-pa and will go on his bedroom wall.
The crew left this morning to go back to Kansas City trying to beat the bad weather.  It was already sleeting, so hope they make it back OK.  The house is really quite now.

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