Thursday, July 16, 2015


DAY 5----------------------------Michelle and family arrived and the cousins went to swim in our neighborhood pool after eating grilled hot dogs for dinner.
DAY 6---------------------------The entire family went to Frontier City minus me.  The heat index was at least 100,  maybe more.

Cousins and best buds.  They look so hot and I know they were glad when they made it to the water park part of the amusement park.

You can just see Karlie's eyes in the log ride picture.  Karlie said she was trying to get in the picture but Abby was in her way.LOL

DAY 7----------------Kim and Abby left to go back home.  The rest of the family hung out at our pool and that night went downtown to eat at Chelino's Mexican restaurant on the canal to celebrate Michelle's birthday.

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