Thursday, July 16, 2015


DAY ONE..............................We had intended to take Abby ice skating but when we got to the ice skating place, it was closing in 20 minutes, so we had a sad little girl on our hands.

So, Tracy then decided to take her to a place called Main Event, not exactly what we thought it would be.   Not a lot for little kids.  She played games and tried to climb on a ropes course.  That didn't go over too well and had to have help getting back down.  She told Tracy she shouldn't have let her tried it. LOL

After dinner that night she rode her scooter in Momo and Pap-pas big driveway  She is pretty good at riding it.

DAY 2...............................We took her ice skating but she didn't seem to enjoy it as much as she did on her birthday.  The ice skating rink was outside on her birthday and this was inside.  That may have made a difference.  It was so cold.

 DAY 3...........................One of Tracy's friends brought over her little girl and they played and went swimming in Tracy's neighborhood pool.  Tracy was kitten sitting for this friend's little kitten so Abby had a kitten to play with for several days of her visit.

Abby and Loki

Also when Abby got bored she had Izzy, Tracy's cat, to play with.

DAY 4..............................We took her to Stillwater, about an hour away to eat at Eskimo Joe's (an Oklahoma icon) and to meet characters Joe and Buffy.  She told us before we went that she didn't think it would be that exciting.  But, when we got ready to leave she said that it was exciting.

She sure enjoyed the chocolate milkshake.  But thought the cheese fries looked a little weird.  Even though she told Tracy she liked fries and cheese.

Abby and Tracy.   She loves her Aunt Tracy.                                                                                        

Meeting the characters.
Playing friz-by with Pap-pa after getting back home.

Not sure who won.

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