Thursday, July 16, 2015


DAY 5----------------------------Michelle and family arrived and the cousins went to swim in our neighborhood pool after eating grilled hot dogs for dinner.
DAY 6---------------------------The entire family went to Frontier City minus me.  The heat index was at least 100,  maybe more.

Cousins and best buds.  They look so hot and I know they were glad when they made it to the water park part of the amusement park.

You can just see Karlie's eyes in the log ride picture.  Karlie said she was trying to get in the picture but Abby was in her way.LOL

DAY 7----------------Kim and Abby left to go back home.  The rest of the family hung out at our pool and that night went downtown to eat at Chelino's Mexican restaurant on the canal to celebrate Michelle's birthday.


DAY ONE..............................We had intended to take Abby ice skating but when we got to the ice skating place, it was closing in 20 minutes, so we had a sad little girl on our hands.

So, Tracy then decided to take her to a place called Main Event, not exactly what we thought it would be.   Not a lot for little kids.  She played games and tried to climb on a ropes course.  That didn't go over too well and had to have help getting back down.  She told Tracy she shouldn't have let her tried it. LOL

After dinner that night she rode her scooter in Momo and Pap-pas big driveway  She is pretty good at riding it.

DAY 2...............................We took her ice skating but she didn't seem to enjoy it as much as she did on her birthday.  The ice skating rink was outside on her birthday and this was inside.  That may have made a difference.  It was so cold.

 DAY 3...........................One of Tracy's friends brought over her little girl and they played and went swimming in Tracy's neighborhood pool.  Tracy was kitten sitting for this friend's little kitten so Abby had a kitten to play with for several days of her visit.

Abby and Loki

Also when Abby got bored she had Izzy, Tracy's cat, to play with.

DAY 4..............................We took her to Stillwater, about an hour away to eat at Eskimo Joe's (an Oklahoma icon) and to meet characters Joe and Buffy.  She told us before we went that she didn't think it would be that exciting.  But, when we got ready to leave she said that it was exciting.

She sure enjoyed the chocolate milkshake.  But thought the cheese fries looked a little weird.  Even though she told Tracy she liked fries and cheese.

Abby and Tracy.   She loves her Aunt Tracy.                                                                                        

Meeting the characters.
Playing friz-by with Pap-pa after getting back home.

Not sure who won.

Monday, July 13, 2015


Kim and Abby arrived on Friday before the fourth. We went to Brick-town Brewery to eat that night. On the 4th we had a cookout and then went to watch fireworks in our city. Then everyone came home and Abby went out back and lit sparklers. Kim left to go home on Monday and Abby spent the week with Aunt Tracy and her Momo and Pap-pa.  We kept Abby busy that week.  To be continued.............

Thursday, July 2, 2015


When we moved into our house almost 6 years ago(hard to believe it has been 6 years) I didn't see the house until we closed and moved in. I saw lots of pictures and the only thing I didn't like was the backyard. It looked like a backyard where no one even lived in the house.  It was just depressing looking at it.  It had one tree that the top half was dead and another puny tree.

We had the privacy fence stained the first few weeks after we moved in.We had three trees planted the 2nd year after we moved in(a River Birch and two Autumn Blaze Maples) and also had a tree and shrubs transplanted  from the front yard to the back yard.  The puny tree has really grown.  We had both patios stained this winter and plan to have a pergola installed over the 2nd patio this next winter.

We bought a permanent grill for the patio also.  We lost our first grill not long after we moved in.  The wind blew it into the yard and flipped it several times.  It could not be fixed.  The 2nd grill also was blown into the yard and flipped but it survived.  Never underestimate the Oklahoma wind.  I looked up and saw it tumbling by the window.  I told hubby when he got home and he went and brought it back onto the patio and turned around off it blew again.

We are not there yet, but it at least is beginning to look like a backyard where someone lives in the house now.

This is what the backyard looked like when we closed on the house 6 years ago.
This is the puny tree that is not so puny anymore.

 My sweet potato vine did really good this year.  It is about the only plants we can grow when it turns off so hot and dry.  It has to be watered every day when it gets close to 100 every day.

Hubby grilling back in 1986.

We have advanced in our grilling a little over the years.