Thursday, February 19, 2015


I grew up in a small town in NE Mississippi, that was a little over an hour from Memphis.   In 1959, when I was eight,  my sister moved to Memphis. I remember the first time my family and I went to visit her after she moved. She lived in a boarding house, so we picked her up and went to my uncle's house and had lunch and then went to the Zoo. It was the first time I had ever been to a zoo.   I am not even sure I knew what a zoo was.  We did not have a TV in 1959.  But,  I was so excited just being at a zoo that I don't think I paid much attention to the animals. I remember the entrance looking the exact same as the one in the picture but there was always a long line to get in.

 Hubby and I married 12 years later and we honeymooned in Memphis. He had never been to a zoo, so you guessed it, we went to the zoo. I know Memphis may not be the greatest city now, but it holds so many of memories for me.

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