Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Hubby turned 64 on yesterday. We had sleet and freezing rain the night before, so we weren't even sure we would be able to go out to eat. We decided to go anyway and the streets weren't bad at all. We went downtown to Bricktown to Kevin Durant's Southern Cuisine Restaurant(KD'S). Tracy had been twice before and loved it, so she decided to treat Melvin there for his birthday. It was really good, but not a meal you could eat every day, that is for sure.  Hubby and I are from Mississippi, so we grew up eating meals like this almost every day.  But, we cannot do it anymore.  Meals like this are now only for special occasions.

The menu lights up when you open it. I thought that was pretty neat.

Hubby with his meal.

Fried chicken with collard greens and yes, that is a waffle underneath the fried chicken.  We also ordered cornbread and I think it may have been the best cornbread I have ever eaten.  You could taste the bacon grease in it, which I  am sure is what made it so good.

After we had finished eating, the waitress came and ask hubby if it was his birthday.   She said she thought it was, because she saw Tracy hand him a card and we were taking pictures. She was very observant and very nice. Everyone in the restaurant was. So, after that she brought him out the bowl of ice cream, with a candle in it for his birthday.  Everyone was almost too full to eat any, but hubby managed to eat it all though. LOL

1 comment:

  1. I tried a bite of Tracy's waffle the last time we had lunch there and it was probably one of the best waffles I have ever had! I will definitely never go there again and not get a waffle :) Looks like you guys enjoyed the food and the ambiance... Happy birthday!
