Sunday, December 27, 2015


Our crew from Kansas City made it in on Christmas Day just in time for the Christmas Dinner.
Carter  and Karlie with Aunt Tracy.  Carter and Karlie weren't that interested in eating.  They were ready to open their gifts.
Michelle looking for names on the gifts.  Looks like she is getting on to Lulu and Lulu is telling her to back off.

Karlie with her American Girl doll. A gift from Momo and Pap-pa. I think she was pretty happy with it.

Carter with his Fat Head. The Kansas City Royals winning the World Series. It was also a gift from Momo and Pap-pa and will go on his bedroom wall.
The crew left this morning to go back to Kansas City trying to beat the bad weather.  It was already sleeting, so hope they make it back OK.  The house is really quite now.


We went to Arkansas two weeks ago to attend Abby's Christmas program at church and to celebrate Christmas with Kim and family.  The Christmas program turned out to be really cute.  All the kids did a good job.

  Pictures at church after the program.

 Red Lobster with Mom and Aunt Tracy after the Christmas program.

Momo and Pap-pa's Christmas present to Abby. She was very excited over it.

This was Christmas Eve and Abby fell asleep waiting for Santa.  But, heard she was awake at 4 the next morning to see what he had brought her.

The nutcracker was a gift from her other grandmother.

Friday, December 4, 2015


My front door is decorated for Christmas. It would really seem like Christmas if we would get some snow.

Sunday, November 29, 2015


This is a picture of our autumn blaze maple two weeks ago on the left and a picture of it today on the right.

Some more pictures of the ice on our trees. My daughter lost part of her tree in her front yard and was without power for a day. We never lost power. We live about 3 miles apart.

Friday, November 20, 2015


A few years ago we had three trees planted in our yard.  Two were Autumn Blaze maples.   I now realize how they got their name.  When ever you open the door, they look like they are a blaze.


Abby and Karlie had their Thanksgiving programs at school today. Karlie was a little Pilgrim and Abby was a little turkey. Both their Mom's did a really good job on making their costumes.   I sure am glad I didn't have to make costumes for my three girls when they were in school.

Abby's program at school. Abby was a turkey and her classmates were all corn.

Monday, November 16, 2015


Tracy, Melvin and I traveled to Kansas City this weekend to help Karlie celebrate
her 6th birthday. Kim,  Jamie and Abby also came. The party had a Frozen theme and was at Cosmic Jump.

 Abby with with Elsa.  Looks like I took more pictures of Abby than Karlie, the birthday girl.
Abby is performing a song for us that she will sing in her Christmas program.  Abby has a solo in this program at her church.
Abby at Cosmic Jump.
Karlie and friend.
Karlie, Abby and friend.

Abby, Karlie and one of Karlie's friends.

Lots of little girls and boys.

Kim and Jamie stayed in a hotel with an indoor pool.  Saturday night after the party, Carter and Karlie went over to swim in the pool with Abby.

Sunday, November 1, 2015


We traveled to Arkansas this year for Halloween. For some reason Abby really wanted us to come.
Kim and Abby are dressed for the Fall Festival at church.  Kim is Sneezy and Abby is Snow White.
Kim was working one of the booths at the Festival.  Tracy and I also went to the Festival with them.

Aunt Tracy and Abby.

I even had my picture made with Abby.

Pap-pa has the candy bowl on his head so the husky(bad dog) wouldn't get the candy. He would just come and get the candy out of the bowl with his mouth.

After the Festival was over,  Kim and Tracy took Abby Trick-Or-Treating around their neighborhood.

Pap-pa and Abby after Trick-Or-Treating.


Carter and Karlie all dressed up in their costumes and ready for trick-or-treating.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


I have been doing a little fall decorating.

Our front door.   We usually put the mums in the big pots but this year our sweet potato vines looks good so we just decided to leave them in the pots.

I painted an old pumpkin that I had with chalk paint and it turned out exactly like I wanted it to.

My formal dinning room.  The best part about this is I had all the things already,  didn't have to buy anything.

The lighting is not very good in this room.  I had meant to light the candles for the picture but forgot.  Probably a good thing that I didn't, I might have caught the corn shucks on fire.

Monday, September 28, 2015


Tracy, hubby and I left for KC on Friday afternoon. Our main purpose in going was to attend Karlie's soccer game on Saturday morning. This is Karlie's 1st year to play. She is the only girl on the team. So, she is easy to keep up with in her pink socks. She is also one of the better ones on the team.

After the game and going to Jason's Deli for lunch, Tracy, Michelle, Carter and Karlie went to a pumpkin patch.  It was hot but they still had fun.  Hubby and I went back to the house and watched OSU football.

Sunday morning before we left to come back home, Melvin, Carter, Karlie and Tracy cruised the neighborhood in their golf cart.  Tracy and Karlie sat on the back and almost got bounced off with hubby's driving.