Monday, September 28, 2015


Tracy, hubby and I left for KC on Friday afternoon. Our main purpose in going was to attend Karlie's soccer game on Saturday morning. This is Karlie's 1st year to play. She is the only girl on the team. So, she is easy to keep up with in her pink socks. She is also one of the better ones on the team.

After the game and going to Jason's Deli for lunch, Tracy, Michelle, Carter and Karlie went to a pumpkin patch.  It was hot but they still had fun.  Hubby and I went back to the house and watched OSU football.

Sunday morning before we left to come back home, Melvin, Carter, Karlie and Tracy cruised the neighborhood in their golf cart.  Tracy and Karlie sat on the back and almost got bounced off with hubby's driving.

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