Sunday, November 30, 2014


The crew from KC arrived Wednesday afternoon. We went to the Hide-A-Way that night to eat pizza, instead of cooking and messing up the kitchen. We would be cooking all the next day, so didn't really want to cook that night.

Karlie with her plate on Thanksgiving Day.  She ate most of it.  We had turkey, dressing, ham and all the trimmings.  Tracy made some of the dishes at her house and brought them over.  That sure helps.

Michelle trying to get a family picture for their Christmas card.

We went shopping on Friday and that night, all but me went to the Sandridge Christmas tree lighting downtown OKC.

Carter and Karlie were fascinated with these ducks on the canal.  They had a fluff of hair on their head.They fed them popcorn.

Tracy, Carter and Karlie on the canal.
Pap-pa, Carter and Karlie on the canal.
They got there in time to see the tree lite this year.

The highlight for Carter and Karlie was getting to ride in a horse drawn carriage. Karlie especially thought this was pretty neat.

Taking pictures for my Christmas card.

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