Monday, November 10, 2014


Our youngest grand daughter, Karlie, turned five last Wednesday. So, Melvin, Tracy and I traveled to Kansas City over the weekend to help her celebrate. Tracy and Abby also came. It was good getting to see them. We hadn't seen them since Labor Day when we all met at the lake in AR. Karlie decided that she wanted to celebrate her birthday at Chuck E Cheese this year. She also decided many months ago that the theme would be butterflies and she did not change her mind.

 Her butterfly cake. She told her mom when she ordered it that it had to have a face.
Miss Karlie.
Opening her gifts.
Her Elsa costume from Momo and Pap-pa.  Tracy bought her a wig to go with it.  She loved it, but so did Abby and that caused a few problems.  Guess I am going to have to get one for Abby for Christmas.

Abby looks a little bored in this picture.
Abby loved riding the bumper cars but Karlie would not ride them.

I took this picture of Karlie's Grandma Bettye on her dad's side.  She is over 90 years old and had never been to Chuck E Cheese.  I think she enjoyed it.

We dressed them and took them to a park to have pictures made for my Christmas card but the camera was on the wrong setting and they didn't turn out.

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