Saturday, September 27, 2014


I went upstairs the other day.  I rarely go upstairs any more.  I have most of the walls upstairs in the hall covered with pictures of my grand kids when they were babies.  When I got to the top of the stairs, I just stood and  looked at their baby pictures for a long time and thought to myself, my grand babies aren't babies anymore.  Carter turned 9 in August and is in the 3rd grade.  Abby will turn 6 in January and is in kindergarten.  Karlie will turn 5 in November and just started  pre-school.
They were just darn cute babies though.  I might be a little partial.

This wall is mostly of pictures when they were babies.

This is another wall when they were older.  It was so hard to get a picture of this wall because there is just not enough room in the hall to back up far enough to take the picture.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Abby.

This is when Karlie didn't like the photographer and threw the blocks at her. Abby was only three and still remembers  Karlie throwing the blocks.                                              

Carter still had  his cute little curls in these pictures.

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