Thursday, March 27, 2014


Tracy and I on the spur of the moment decided to take a little trip. We drove to San Antonio, Tx. We had both been to San Antonio several times before, but we love San Antonio and the Riverwalk. We booked a hotel on the Riverwalk. It is about an eight hour drive from here to San Antonio. We stopped several times, so it took us a little more than eight hours. We arrived at our hotel on Sunday night.  The bellboy who took our luggage up to our room was surprised that we had driven straight through for eight hours.  He asked us where we were from and when we told him Oklahoma, he proceeded to tell us that he had been to Guthrie, Oklahoma and that it was a really boring place.  I can imagine after living in San Antonio that Guthrie, Ok. would be kind of boring.

When we got up on Monday, it was raining.  It rained off and on all day Monday.  So, we decided to just go shopping and to go eat at a popular Mexican restaurant.  We had eaten at this restaurant before and knew it was really good.  It didn't disappoint this time either.  The restaurant was not on the Riverwalk but close by.

On Tuesday, we ate lunch at a fancy restaurant in the hotel.  We went at lunch because they actually had a buffet.  It was good but still not sure of what all I ate.  I had Tracy ask the waitress what the meats on the buffet were and she even told us we could go look.  I ate mussels for the first time in my life.  They were OK but not something that I would ever order in a restaurant.  It was pretty expensive for a buffet but the cake made it worth it.  It was a cross between a brownie and cheese cake and had chocolate chunks in it.

Hotel Valencia-The fancy restaurant-Citrus

The balcony of the fancy restaurant.
Our hotel-Hotel Valencia
Courtyard of our hotel.

Tracy looking over the balcony of our hotel onto the Riverwalk below.

The Riverwalk

Mi Tierra-The Mexican restaurant where we went to eat.  It is a very colorful restaurant.  I think the grand kids would love it.  Maybe they can go some day.

I like this picture of Tracy.  You can see the steam coming off of our fajitas.  We both ordered fajitas.

We got up Wednesday morning and started back to Oklahoma.  It was raining really hard when we left.  I guess this is the rainy season in San Antonio.

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