Monday, March 31, 2014


Michelle and family arrived on Friday night.  She and hubby were going to a 40th birthday party for a friend that they went to collage with, on Saturday night.   Hubby, Tracy, Michelle, Carter and Karlie all went to a circus on Saturday.  The first time for Carter and Karlie to ever go to a circus.  They really enjoyed it.  We were kind of afraid that Karlie would be afraid of the animals.

At the Circus.  They could have ridden an elephant at intermission but they chose not to.
Not sure what this face is about.
Riding the train at intermission.

It was really nice on both Saturday and Sunday, so they were able to play outside.  But, it was a really windy on Sunday.

Resting from playing and drinking her chocolate milk.  She loves chocolate milk.

This is still Karlie's favorite toy to play with at Momo and Pappa's house.  Abby loves playing with the dolls.

Karlie comfortable  laying on Aunt Tracy, watching TV before they left.  Karlie was a little sad to leave.

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