Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Oklahoma State made it to a bowl game again this year.  It was not as big a bowl this year as it was last year when we traveled to Phoenix to watch them in the Fiesta Bowl.  But, never the less, we traveled to Dallas to watch them play.  Or, the same as last year, Tracy and hubby went to the game and I just went along for the ride.  I stayed in the hotel while they attended the game, but the exciting part for me was it was the Adolphus Hotel in downtown Dallas.  I love staying in old historic hotels. The Adolphus was built in 1912.  President Bush(daddy),Queen Elizabeth and many other important people have stayed at it.
It was old and nice.  You couldn't even get your own ice.  They had to bring it to you.   We were there on NYE and it wasn't that noisy. A couple came by our door at 3:30a.m. being very loud and they ordered room service.  A few minutes after I heard them, I heard a cart rolling and then heard a knock one their door and someone said room service.  I actually heard several carts going up and down the hall at that time of morning.  We had our champagne at midnight and that was it. We went to a restaurant in the hotel that night called Walt Garrison's Rodeo Bar and Grill.  We knew after we ate, we would not be going back to it the next night.
Pictures of the hotel(Adolphus)


Pictures of the lobby.


Tracy said this reminded her of a scene in the movie "The Shinning."

One of the lamps in our room.

The Christmas tree in the lobby.
Hubby's meal at Walt Garrison's Rodeo and Grill.  The food wasn't that bad but we had stomach issues afterward.  The next night we ate at Texas Land and Cattleman's Steak House.  We forgot it was New Years' Day and after we ate, we remembered we didn't eat any black eyed peas.  So, we drove all over Dallas to find a grocery store.  Hubby went in and bought a can of black eyed peas and a can opener and we went back to the hotel and ate black eyed peas.

Dallas Pioneer Plaza  Cattle Drive.  These are sculptures of longhorn cattle that was located at the Dallas Convention Center about a block from the hotel we were staying in.  They are believed to be the largest bronze sculptures of their type in the world.

There are 49 cow sculptures.  We didn't count them but someone did.

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