Thursday, September 6, 2012


The first night in the cabin, we grilled steaks and then had birthday cake. Abby enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to us. I think she had a hard time understanding it was both Kim and my birthday. The next day she ask me if the parties were over. At first I didn't realzie what she was asking.
Abby like to look through the binoculars. This was the first time she had ever looked through them and thought it was pretty neat. She said she could see the clouds.
Like I said, we have stayed in the cabins on several occasions and this was the first time for us to meet the owners. He told Abby there were bunnies down at the cabin down the road. Tracy, Melvin and Abby walked down to see them but they were sleeeping. They did get to see them later and also a turtle and deer on several occasions. This is Melvin and Abby walking back to our cabin.

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