Monday, September 17, 2012


Carter and Karlie and their twin cousins riding in a firetruck back in their other grand parents hometown. Karlie doesn't look that sure about it all.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


A few weeks ago, I told hubby we had a dead tree on the hill out front. He looked at it and said that he would pour the water to it and maybe it would come back. Well after we got home from the lake I think he decided it was really dead, so he decided to cut it down last night. We have lived in this house three years, exactly three years the last day of this month. We plan to downsize and sell after hubby retires in less than five years. We have two bedrooms, a bathroom and a bonus room upstairs and no one ever goes upstairs unless the kids are visiting. We also want a one level home. We have lost three trees since we moved in, so at the rate we are going, we may not have any trees left by the time we get ready to sell. I know we can replace them and we will.
So, don't you think it looks dead. The green you see is a shrub that the tree is laying in front of.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Abby had a big tub to take her bath in each night. With the drapes open and during the day you had a view of the lake while you sit in the hot tub.
Abby climbing the long stairs to the loft.
There were these animals on all the walls. I don't think Abby realized they were once real.
Nope, this is not the house we stayed in. This house belong to an ex football coach at an Arkansas University. This coach was involved in a scandal and is no longer there. He doesn't own the house any longer either. I think a Wal-mart executive owns it now. This house was less than a fourth of a mile down the road from the cabins we stayed in. It had a great view of the lake.


The first night in the cabin, we grilled steaks and then had birthday cake. Abby enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to us. I think she had a hard time understanding it was both Kim and my birthday. The next day she ask me if the parties were over. At first I didn't realzie what she was asking.
Abby like to look through the binoculars. This was the first time she had ever looked through them and thought it was pretty neat. She said she could see the clouds.
Like I said, we have stayed in the cabins on several occasions and this was the first time for us to meet the owners. He told Abby there were bunnies down at the cabin down the road. Tracy, Melvin and Abby walked down to see them but they were sleeeping. They did get to see them later and also a turtle and deer on several occasions. This is Melvin and Abby walking back to our cabin.


Kim and I celebrated our birthdays together this year at Beaver Lake. Kim's birthday was the 2nd and mine was the 5th. When we made the reservations about a month ago, we thought it would only be Melvin, Tracy and I but then Kim decided that her and Abby would like to join us. Abby called it the house in the woods. We have stayed in these cabins on several occasions before. I am only going to post a few pictures at a time. I don't know about others but ever since Blogger changed I have had trouble trying to upload several pictures at a time. The lake was very low this time. The lowest since we have being going.

View of lake from our cabin.
Abby standing on the deck of our cabin with lake in background.