Monday, December 26, 2011


Everyone has left and the house is very quiet. I think we all had a really good Christmas and was happy with all the gifts they received. I know I was. Santa was certainly good to Carter and Karlie.Lulu liked to watch the cars go around on Carter's race track.
Carter was Santa and handed out the gifts to everyone. We have all been waiting for one of the grandkids to get old enough to do it.
Karlie decided she needed to help also.
We kept telling Karlie that she was having a bad hair day, but she didn't care. When I look at these pictures, it reminds me so much of her mommy when she was that age. Except, Karlie's hair is not as curly as her mommy's was.
Kim and Abby left to go back home to Arkansas on Christmas Eve. It looks like Santa was pretty good to Abby also.
We are going on a trip. I will be back later in the week to let you know where we are going.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas!!!! Thanks for sharing all the pictures.
