Saturday, December 17, 2011


I am finally finished decorating. I think I have done a good bit of decorating, until I read these blogs where they have just gone all out. One blog I read, the lady has decorated 14 trees in her house. Yes, she does have a big house but still, I cannot imagine decorating 14 trees. We do well to decorate just one. I have most of my shopping done also. One last trip to Target. I will make that as close to Christmas as possible, so I have to make only one trip. The gifts are all wrapped. So, now I just need to clean.

Tracy has vounteered to make cookies this weekend, so the grand kids will have something to munch on while they are here. Don't know about all kids, but ours are sweet eaters if they are allowed.

Kim and Abby will be arriving on Sunday. They will be leaving to go back home on Christmas Eve. Michelle and family will be arriving on Thursday. We will all get together at least one night over at Tracy's house. Some will be staying over there at night also.

Our tree. Kim and I looked everywhere for mesh, but we waited too late and it was all sold out. So, next year we will buy it really early and put it on our trees. I think trees look so pretty with it on. In fact I think mine looks plain without any ribbon or mesh on it. But, hubby thinks the tree is beautiful.

Candy corn has been replaced with Christmas M&M'S.

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