Friday, June 3, 2011


Well, not really a lot going on around here. It has been really hot and humid lately. It feels more like July or August than the first week in June. We didn't really do anything for Memorial Day. But, we are planning a little trip to Nebraska in a couple of weeks. Because, I have never been to Nebraska. We will spend a night going and coming with our grand kids in Kansas City. That is the week Tracy will be closing on her house in Kansas City and she will also be staying at their house and babysitting. Their parents are going to a wedding a couple of hours away.

I will post some pictures of Tracy's new house in Oklahoma, once she closes on it. It is a really nice house with a nice neighborhood. The neighborhood has seven ponds with big fat ducks running around everywhere. Not sure how her cats will like the ducks. But, I am sure Tracy is ready to get moved in and have her own things again.

I miss Abby. It seems like everything around the house reminds me of her. Kim has been asking about one of her cute little zebra smocked dresses that she has not been able to find since they returned home. I had looked for it and Tracy went upstairs and looked for it last night in the bedroom they stayed in while they were here. She looked in the closet and under the bed, but could not find it.

While doing laundry a while ago I lifted the top on the trash can in the laundry room to throw something away and there was her little dress along with three pair of her pants. I am assuming Miss Abby threw them in there. I just e-mailed Kim and told her she may want to start checking the trash if she misses anything.

Abby got a new sand box and went to her first birthday party for a little boy who just turned one over Memorial Day weekend. Aunt Tracy had bought her a sand box when she was staying with us but it was too big for Mommy to lug back to Arkansas. So, it will just stay here for all the grand kids to play with when they come to visit.

Abby in her new sand box.
Carter and Karlie went swimming in their neighborhood pool over Memorial Day weekend. I have been promised some pictures of them at the pool but I have not received any so far. I will post pictures of them when I get them.

1 comment:

  1. Makes me sad that you miss her so much :( This morning, she finished her cereal (which she hasn't had for breakfast in a while) and she put her cup in her bowl and took it to the sink. Where do you think she picked that up?

    Hopefully we'll get moved soon, and we'll see you in July!
