Sunday, June 19, 2011


We arrived in Kansas City on Thursday afternoon. We decided to get up Friday morning and drive to Lincoln, Nebraska. We had to go a different direction and that added an extra hour and a half to our trip. I can now say that I have been to Nebraska. The two things that I will remember about Lincoln are Laslo's Brewery and Grill and Wild Turkeys.

We ate at Laslo's Brewery and Grill in the Haymarket Historic District which is in itself pretty neat. The food was great.

We both got kabobs. Hubby got steak kabobs.

He also got a beer. He may have liked this the best. They have their own brewery.

I got the chicken kabobs.

Just as we crossed over the line from Kansas to Nebraska, a wild turkey walked in front of our car. I would never have guessed of wild turkeys being in Nebraska, but we saw several in Lincoln.
We got up Saturday morning and drove back to Kansas City but we did drive out and take some pictures of some covered bridges before we left. I don't think these were old ones. I think they were pretty new but I love covered bridges. I loved the movie 'Bridges of Madison County' and I do know that it was filmed in Iowa.

We decided to go another way back, that would be closer, so we cut up by the Missouri river that was flooding. This picture is as we crossed over from Nebraska into Missouri at Rock Port, Missouri. This picture is not the river, but beside the river where it had overflowed its banks. I think several levees had broken.
We also saw lots and lots of corn along the way. No picture.

We got back to Kansas City on Saturday afternoon and Tracy was babysitting Carter and Karlie for their parents to attend a wedding out of town. We had promised Carter that we would take him to Zonkers, an indoor amusement park, after we got back. Tracy was kind of afraid to take both of them by herself, since she is not use to taking care of two little kids. They were really good and I think they both enjoyed it.

Even Karlie got to ride on the little train with brother.
Karlie does smile. In fact, she smiles all the time. She is just very serious when she is around new things and people.

We headed back home Sunday afternoon. Tracy has finally closed on both houses. Her pod would not hold all her belongings, so we filled both our SUVs. I know she will be so glad when this move is done. She has been working on it for almost a year. I promise I will have pictures coming of her house. It is beautiful. I got to see it for the first time last night.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got to visit Nebraska! Love the bridges! Carter looks like such a BIG boy these days. It's crazy! And I LOVE Karlie's dress and bow!

    Can't wait to see pictures of Tracy's house!
