Sunday, May 22, 2011


If Abby doesn't get to go play during the day, she is cranky. So, we were going to take her to a place called Bouncing Craze, but when we got there, they had closed at one. So, we decided to go to a Chick-Fil-A that has an outside playground. She is use to going to one with an inside one. But, I really think she is burnt out on playing at them. She didn't care about playing at all.
She did enjoy eating.
Eating with mommy.

Abby and mommy are leaving to go back to Arkansas. They have been here three weeks. I have to admit that at times it was stressful, because Momo is not use to having a little two year old around. It has been almost thirty years since I had a two year getting into every thing. But, I am going to miss her so much. I will miss every time that she went up and down the stairs and I was sitting in the computer room, her yelling, hi momo or nite nite Momo. Some times, she would tell me three times nite nite before she actually went to bed. One time I was sitting on the potty with the door open, because I am so use to being the only one in the house and I just forgot to close the door. But, Abby comes riding her tricycle as fast as she can down the hall and just wheels into the bathroom and runs over both my feet. She looked up at me like that she had accomplished something, being able to hit both feet at the same time.

But, when she would come and sit in my lap and cuddle with me, I forgot all about how mischievous she could be at times. I think she will also miss Aunt Tracy and Pap-pa. When Pap-pa was out of town, she would never fail to ask, where is Pap-pa. She will also miss the meows, maybe them most of all and I think they may even miss her.

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