Sunday, January 16, 2011


Miss A's birthday party this year was at a local party place. K thought it would be less stressful to not have it at the house. No one would have to clean, decorate, cook food and then clean up afterward. Well, as it turns out, it was just as stressful. This party place had rooms for birthday parties and also had lots of rides and games. So, to get to the room where the party is, they take you through the area where all the games and rides are. Well, after A saw all the rides, she had no interest what so ever of going into the room for cake and opening her gifts. So, this might not have been the best idea for a two year old's birthday party.

The only interest she had in the room was the cupcakes.

Mommy had to let her eat a cupcake in order to stay in the room long enough for the gifts to be opened.

A ate her cupcake while mommy opened her gifts.

Singing Happy Birthday to A. I guess she was embarrassed is the reason she is laying her head on mommy's shoulder.
This is what A did most of the time that we were all there. Yes, she does still have frosting on her face. But, she did not care.

My two grand-daughters together. A rare occasion.

A with her little friend Mason.

Karlie enjoyed herself also.

Aunt T and Karlie.
I didn't get many pictures of C. Hope his mom did with her camera. I think A had a great time and everyone else did too.

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