Thursday, December 2, 2010


K and A got in really late on Tuesday night. The flight had been delayed an hour both ways. K said A didn't do very well on the flight from Little Rock to Dallas but she did fine on the flight from Dallas to Oklahoma City. She was most interested in Lulu when she arrived. They got reacquainted quickly. She calls Lulu "ow" for meow. I tell her that she likes Lulu a lot more than Lulu likes her.

We didn't really do anything yesterday, except just lounge around the house. It was very cold here yesterday. But, today, it is really nice. It is in the sixties. So, we decided we would go meet Aunt T on her lunch break at Ted's. Our favorite Mexican restaurant. But, first Momo had to entertain Miss A for her Mommy to shower and get dressed. I am so thankful for Barney.

Miss A watching Barney. I tell her every morning when she gets up, she has bed hair. She also has a bruise on her face, a skinned place on her nose and she fell last night and burst her lip.

This is her favorite show. She stops everything she is doing and watches it when it comes on.

But, when we got to Ted's, A did not want to eat. She just wanted to sit in Mommy's lap.

And eat her sucker.

Wonder why there is no candle on the candle holder?

Looking cute.

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