Monday, December 20, 2010


Hubby left yesterday to go to the Dallas Cowboys game in Dallas. His company gets a suite each year and he takes agents down for a game. Yeah, I know he has a rough job. But, since he was gone T and I decided to go out to eat. Then go through Starbucks and get some hot chocolate and drive around and look at Christmas lights.
These are some pictures of the university in our city. It is actually the university that K attended. The lights are just so much prettier in person.

I have all my shopping done and all my gifts wrapped. We did not put up a tree this year. First time in probably over thirty years. Just didn't want to go to the hassle of putting one up, since we will not be here for Christmas and then having to take it down once we get back. We will be leaving in a few days to go and spend Christmas in Arkansas with K and family. I can't wait to see A's excitement when she sees what all is under the tree for her on Christmas morning.

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