Saturday, July 29, 2017


 My oldest grandson is turning 12 in two days.  This is what his dad wrote about about him recently on his Facebook page.
Very proud of Carter. The PGA Junior golf league has been a great experience for him this year and he has improved so much but his matches all season have been against the best country clubs in Kansas City with older kids. So there has been a lot of losing.   Last night we played  on one of the
nicest and hardest courses in KC. The holes were long and filled with sand and water hazards on every shot. Here is a picture of a par 3. All water till you get to the green over 100 yards long. The match came down to the last hole #9. Carter had a 10 foot putt down the hill to win the match and he stepped up and made it and they won the match. It was fun to see the coaches and team celebrate and congratulate him. For the record I would have missed the putt that he made to Win.

This is a picture of Carter at the PGA Junior Golf tournament that day.  But I also have to share a picture below this picture of Carter at the age of 4 when his dad had taken him to the driving range.  He even had his own little set of golf clubs at the age of 4.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


We have this awesome view every time we drive across the river from Maumelle into West Little Rock. It is breath taking.

Thursday, July 6, 2017


Michelle and family arrived from Kansas City on Monday night. We began getting things ready for a cookout on Tuesday morning. Michelle went for jog and it started raining. After it stopped raining, we took the kids over to the lake, that is just across the blvd. from us to take pictures. We left Pap-pa at home to grill the hamburgers, hot dogs and bratwurst.

  My first picture with all four of my grand kids.  I think the picture turned out really cute.

 Abby holding her little brother.  I told Abby not to drop him and she said I hold him all the time and I have never dropped him Momo.

 This turned out to be a cute picture of Carter and Jack.  My oldest and youngest.  Jack loved  Carter.  Carter loved holding Jack also.

Jack looking cute in his patriotic outfit.

The grand-kids played on the slip and slide after we ate.

  We celebrated Michelle's birthday while she was here.  Forty one years ago on July 4th I walked up a steep hill to get to the top of  Red Mountain in Birmingham, Al to see fireworks shot off.  I was pregnant and holding an almost 3 yr old.  Six days later Michelle was born.  She was not due until a week after her birthday.  It was not a smart thing to do, my feet were so swollen that night when I went to bed  that I thought they might burst.  Why did I carry Tracy, because she would not let her dad.  Michelle weighed 8lbs 8 ounces and was very healthy.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


This beautiful lake is across the boulevard from us. When we lived here from 2001 to 2009, we were only about a block from this lake.

Sunday, July 2, 2017


My sweet potato vines are doing really good this year. When we lived in Oklahoma this was about all we could get to grow with it being so hot and dry but they do really good here as well as every other plant.
This one is doing better than the other one.
I think this is a lily maybe a Tiger Lily.  It is really pretty.